Do I Need a Baby Monitor?

Do I need a baby monitor

Baby monitors are not necessary for every family but do provide some benefits for anxious parents. Read this article to learn more about whether you need one in your home.

Bringing a baby home is one of the most exciting and frightening events in any parent’s life. You want to be prepared for anything, and one of the times it’s most important is when your baby is sleeping.

When we had our first child, I wasn’t sure if I needed a baby monitor. I knew there were some benefits to monitors, but I also felt that they might not be necessary.

I gathered all the information about the purpose, range, and appropriate ages for baby monitors and consolidated it in this article. Here, you can find everything you need to know before making the decision to buy one.

This article will cover:

  1. What is the point of a baby monitor?
  2. What are the different kinds of baby monitors?
  3. How far do baby monitors work?
  4. At what age do you not need a baby monitor?
  5. Takeaway

If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

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What is the point of a baby monitor?

The main purpose of a baby monitor is to tell if your baby is awake during the night. It is also used to observe a baby’s movements or sounds when a parent is in the other room.

Additionally, they are great for older kids who can play independently in a different room. At this age, you can use the monitor to ensure they’re making safe choices.

A baby monitor can make it easy to check up on your sleeping baby without waking them up by coming into the room. This can also be helpful for transitions to a toddler’s bed.

Do baby monitors save lives?

There is no evidence to suggest that baby monitors save lives or decrease the chances of SIDS. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA state that any claims about monitors saving lives are not backed by science.

These devices should never replace safe sleeping habits. Your little one should always sleep on their back in a crib with no blankets, pillows, or toys.

Some professionals say that baby monitors might even make parents rely too much on technology. So if you decide to use one, make sure you are still following all safe sleeping guidelines.

What are the different kinds of baby monitors?

Baby monitors come with various features and functions, like video baby cameras, long-range, and “Smart” monitors.

In the past, the devices only monitored sounds. Now, new ones can show video, temperature, two-way communication, and other advancements. Of course, more features mean more money, but there are still plenty of affordable options on the market.

I found a ton of high-tech baby monitors when I searched for my family. We ended up going with a middle-ground choice that gave us all the features we needed at a reasonable price.

Do I need a video baby monitor with a camera?

Video baby monitors, also known as baby cams, are not 100% necessary. But, they do offer some benefits over sound-only options.

With a video cam, you can get a peek at your little ones without waking them up.

Baby cams can also help with your child’s transition to a big kid bed by making sure they’re sleeping soundly.

When my child transitioned out of her crib, I appreciated our video monitor. It allowed me to check that she was in bed and not up playing in the middle of the night!

Do I need a baby monitor with a motion sensor?

You don’t need a baby monitor with a motion sensor, but if it provides you some peace of mind, it’s a great choice.

These monitors track your baby’s movement with a sock clip or camera, or sometimes from under the mattress.

Some parents feel that it makes them more anxious to have devices with motion sensors. But, others find that it gives them peace of mind.

Do I need a smart baby monitor?

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend using Smart baby monitors to check on your baby’s physical signs.

Smart monitors are often used to track sleep patterns, breathing, heart rate, and other details.

However, these are not 100% trustworthy and shouldn’t be relied upon. Smart monitors can give parents a false sense of security.

If you decide on a Smart sleep monitor, make sure you still use safe sleeping practices with your baby.

For more information on smart monitors, check out the article I wrote about the relevance of smart baby monitors.

How far do baby monitors work?

Most baby monitors work for 600-1,000 feet in range. However, you can buy long-range devices of up to 2,000 feet if you have a larger home.

The tricky part about these ranges is that they are often tested through an “open field,” which means there is nothing in the way. So if you have particularly thick walls, the range might be shorter than advertised.

For more information on range, check out the article I wrote about long-range baby monitors.

Do I need a baby monitor in an apartment or flat?

It can be helpful for you to have a baby monitor in your apartment, even if it’s on the smaller side. If you have thick walls or sound doesn’t travel, it’s a good idea.

It comes down to personal preference. Some apartment-living parents like to have one just in case, even though they are very near their baby. Again, if it works for you, then you should use it.

Do I need a baby monitor in a small house?

Like with apartments, it comes down to your preference if you need a baby monitor in a small house. If you can hear your baby from down the hall or through the walls, then you might not need one.

It can also be helpful to have when your baby is older. For example, when he or she is playing independently in another room, it’s beneficial to have the monitor on hand to check-in.

At what age do you not need a baby monitor?

Most parents stop using a baby monitor when their child is around 2 years old, but it depends on your comfort level.

Plenty of families continue using a monitor until their children are 4 years old. This is so you can check if your little one is climbing out of their toddler bed or doing something unsafe like playing on furniture.

How long you use one will come down to your child and family. If it makes you feel less anxious and gives you better sleep, there is no harm in continuing to use it.

For more information, you should read this article I create on the 5 reasons to stop using a baby monitor.

Do I need a baby monitor right away from birth?

Some parents prefer to set their baby monitor up before even bringing their little one home. It’s one less thing to worry about with all the chaos of a new baby in the house.

The most cost-effective option is to wait until you’re sure you’ll need one. According to the AAP, babies should sleep in the same room (not bed) with their parents at the beginning.

If you’re following that suggestion, you won’t need a monitor throughout the night because you’ll be right there. But it might still be nice to have one for naps or nights you all aren’t sleeping at home.

Do you need a baby monitor for a newborn?

If your newborn sleeps in the same room as you, then a baby monitor might not be necessary.

However, there are always times when a newborn is sleeping that you need to leave the room for whatever reason. For these instances, it’s helpful to keep you aware of what’s going on.

Do I need a baby monitor for a 1-year-old?

1-year-olds sleep much more continuously than newborns and infants; however, many parents still prefer to have a baby monitor at this young age.

One option is to lower the volume, so you only hear loud noises over the monitor instead of every little sound.

Do I need a baby monitor for a 2-year-old?

Plenty of parents prefer to keep a baby monitor through 2 years and then start to transition away from it.

A monitor is helpful when your baby is learning to crawl and walk, so you might prefer to keep it at 2 years old. I liked having a monitor to check on my children during this fun phase. That way, I never missed a special moment!

Do I need a baby monitor for a 3-year-old?

It’s perfectly reasonable to keep a baby monitor for your 3-year-old, but not always totally necessary.

A monitor may help with your toddler’s transition to a big kid bed. You can check in on them to see if they’re staying in their new bed or up playing.


Baby monitors are an excellent choice to help you stay on top of what’s going on when you can’t be next to your baby.

They are great for convenience but should never be relied on for safety purposes. Whichever you decide, remember to always use safe sleeping practices too.

The device you choose and how long to use it will depend on your family’s needs. The most important thing is that you feel safe and prepared.

If it makes you feel more comfortable, then go for it! You’ll have a cool gadget that lets you hear or see your baby, even when you’re far apart.

P.S. If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

To get the best insights and tips to find the best baby monitor, I read more than 300 reviews online and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built this list of the best baby monitors.

Watchful Dad

HI, I'm the Watchful Dad, and I have two precious monkeys at home that I love with all my heart. I will share with you the tips to keep your kids safe while letting them be the little explorers they should be.

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