Sound Check: How Loud Should Your Baby Monitor Be?

Master the ideal volume for your baby monitor. Ensuring a balance between your baby’s comfort and your peace of mind. Learn the do’s and don’ts!

As a dad of two, I know the mixed emotions that come with baby monitors. Excitement, relief, and a dash of anxiety, right? See, there’s a fine line between keeping an ear on your little one and transforming your living room into the equivalent of front-row seats at a rock concert. And that’s what we will explore today: How loud should your baby monitor be?

This article will cover the following:

Let me help you understand how the baby monitor’s volume works. Because knowing is half the battle!

If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

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Understanding Baby Monitor Volume

Don’t wait until you end up staring at your baby monitor at 2 AM, trying to figure out the sweet spot for the volume. I’ve been there, friends. The science behind the volume of your baby monitor is simpler than it may seem.

Let’s break it down.

How is Volume Controlled on Various Baby Monitors?

  1. Physical Volume Dial or Buttons: Many traditional baby monitors come with a physical dial or buttons on the side or front of the device, allowing you to manually adjust the volume. This is the most straightforward method, and it gives you direct control over the loudness of the monitor.
  2. Digital Volume Control: Some modern digital baby monitors offer volume control through the device’s screen. These monitors often have touchscreens or buttons that let you navigate a menu to adjust the volume.
  3. Remote Volume Control: High-end baby monitors may allow you to control the volume remotely via a smartphone app. This can be particularly handy, as you can adjust the volume without needing to be in the same room as the monitor.
  4. VOX Sensitivity Settings: Some baby monitors have a VOX (Voice Operated Switch) feature that allows the monitor to ‘wake up’ from a power-saving mode when it detects a certain noise level. The sensitivity of this feature can often be adjusted, meaning you can control how loud a noise needs to be before the monitor switches on.
  5. Two-Way Communication Volume: For monitors with two-way communication, this feature can often have separate volume control. This allows you to adjust how loud your voice sounds when you talk to your baby through the monitor.

Remember to refer to your specific baby monitor’s user manual or guide for exact instructions on controlling volume, as it can vary significantly between different models.

What Are The Volume-related Features Of Baby Monitors?

  1. Volume Level Range: Baby monitors typically have a volume range from silent (0) to quite loud (often rated on a scale of 10, 20, or sometimes even 100). The exact loudness at the maximum setting can vary between models. Still, as a general rule, the top volume setting is often loud enough to be heard clearly in a different room, even with some background noise.
  2. Volume Indicators: Many baby monitors have volume level indicators. These can be a series of lights that illuminate depending on the volume (more lights for louder volumes) or a digital display that shows a number corresponding to the volume level. These indicators can help set a consistent volume level, especially if you find a specific level that works well for you and your baby.
  3. Alerts/Alarms: Some monitors can emit a loud alarm if they detect specific issues, like the baby’s room temperature is too high or low. Ensure you know how to control the volume of these alerts or turn them off if necessary.
  4. Mute Function: Some baby monitors have a mute function. This can be helpful if you want to temporarily turn off the sound (like during a phone call), but remember to unmute it!
  5. Gradual Volume Increase: Some monitors gradually increase after they’re activated, starting quietly and becoming louder if the baby continues to make noise. This feature can help prevent you from being startled by sudden loud noises.

Remember, it’s important to read your baby monitor’s manual to understand how to control the volume effectively and to familiarize yourself with any additional volume-related features it may have.

What Are The Baby Monitor Volume Features?

  1. The volume on the parent monitor: Determines how loud the sounds from the baby’s room are when they reach you. This needs to be loud enough to hear your baby when they need you, but not so loud that it’s constantly disturbing you.
  2. The volume of the two-way communication feature (if your monitor has one): Controls how loud your voice will be when it’s broadcast into the baby’s room. This should be set at a soothing and reassuring level for your baby, but not so loud that it startles or disturbs them.
  3. The VOX sensitivity level: dictates how loud a noise needs to be to activate the monitor from sleep mode. This should be set so that it picks up important sounds (like cries) but isn’t constantly being activated by minor noises.

These three volume levels must be balanced correctly to create a safe and comfortable environment for the baby and the parents. This balance might take tweaking and will likely change as your baby grows and their needs evolve. Still, you’ll find the sweet spot with patience and careful attention.

How Does Baby Monitor Volume Work?

Baby monitors work by picking up your baby’s sounds and transmitting them to your receiver. The volume control on your receiver determines how loud these sounds play back to you. Simple enough? Now here’s where it gets interesting.

When my firstborn was just a few weeks old? I was so anxious; I had the baby monitor’s volume cranked up so high I could hear her breathing. I thought that was what responsible parenting was all about. But it wasn’t.

A baby monitor should only be loud enough for you to hear when your baby is crying or making distress sounds. If you can hear every little rustle and breath, it’s too loud.

Also, suppose your device has a two-way communication feature. In that case, you must consider the volume at which your voice will be broadcast into your baby’s room. This volume needs to be soothing, not a blasting horn.

Finally, the VOX sensitivity level controls how loud a sound must be to activate the monitor from its sleep mode. It’s a delicate balance of picking up significant sounds, like your baby’s cries, without being tripped by every minor noise.

For more information on VOX, check out this article I wrote about voice-activated alerts!

Now let’s find the perfect setting for yours.

The Ideal Volume for Your Baby Monitor

Our goal here is to strike a balance. We want the monitor loud enough to alert us when our baby needs us but not so loud that we jump at every sound. This goes for both the receiver’s and voice volumes when you use the two-way communication feature.

During the day, when the house is full of noise, you might need the volume higher to hear over the chaos. But at night, when it’s just the soft hum of the AC and your partner’s snoring (yes, dear, you snore), you can afford to turn it down.

Remember, your baby monitor is a tool to help you, not a leash to keep you tethered to your baby’s every sound. It’s okay if you don’t hear every little sigh or grunt. As my wife often reminds me, “Babies make noise. It’s when they stop making noise that you need to worry!”

What Factors Can Affect the Volume of a Baby Monitor?

  • Distance between the baby monitor and your little one. The closer it is to your baby, the louder the sound it will pick up. This applies to both the sounds your baby makes and the volume of your voice through the two-way communication feature.
  • Background noise. You should increase the volume if you live in a city with background noise. Similarly, the VOX sensitivity setting might need to be adjusted to prevent the monitor from constantly being triggered by street noise.
  • Sensitivity setting on your baby monitor. Some high-tech monitors allow you to control how much sound is needed to activate the monitor.

You see, the baby monitor’s volume isn’t a one-size-fits-all setting. It depends on various factors, like the size of your house, the distance between the monitor and your baby, and even the time of day.

But what happens if we crank up the volume a notch too high? Let’s find out.

How Can a Loud Baby Monitor Impact My Baby’s Sleep?

We’ve all had those moments where we were tempted to turn the baby monitor up to 11. But hold your horses because a too-loud monitor might disrupt more than just your TV time.

Let’s talk about how a loud baby monitor can affect your baby’s sleep.

Imagine you’re sleeping peacefully when suddenly you’re woken by the sound of a fire truck siren right outside your window. Not the most pleasant way to wake up, right?

Well, that’s how your baby might feel if the volume on your baby monitors receiver or the volume of your voice through the two-way communication feature is too loud. Your baby’s own cry could sound like another baby crying even louder in the next room.

If your neighbor’s dog barks every time your baby cries, it’s a sign your baby monitor is too loud.

So, the rule of thumb here is if it’s too loud for you, it’s definitely too loud for your baby. A baby’s hearing is delicate, and our parents’ job is to protect it.

Now that we know the risks let’s talk about some volume-adjusting life hacks!

How Can I Determine If My Baby Monitor Is Too Loud or Soft?

The first thing you can do is a simple sound check. When your baby is asleep, go to a different room, and listen to the monitor. Suppose you can hear your baby breathing or the rustle of their blanket. In that case, your receiver’s volume or VOX sensitivity might be too high.

Now, let’s talk about the too soft scenario. This one can be trickier. I suggest you do this test while your baby is not sleeping.

To check if your monitor is too soft, ask your partner to make a soft sound in your baby’s room (a gentle clap) and see if you can hear it through the monitor. If not, you should notch up the volume or adjust the VOX sensitivity.

As for the two-way communication feature, you can have your partner stay in the baby’s room while you talk to them through the monitor from another room. You can adjust the volume accordingly if they find your voice too loud or too soft.

So, fellow parents, let’s vow to turn down the volume and turn up our confidence. You’re doing your best, and that’s all anyone can ask for.

Are There Any Specific Recommendations for Different Scenarios?

  • Middle of the night check-in: When you wake up in a cold sweat because it’s been suspiciously quiet for too long. For this scenario, you’ll want to have the volume at a level where you can hear if your baby is crying or fussing, but not so loud that it will jolt you awake at every tiny sound. This might take a bit of trial and error to find the perfect volume, but hey, parenting is a journey.
  • Dinner party scenario: This is when you’re entertaining friends, and the laughter and clinking of wine glasses might drown out the sound of the baby monitor. In this case, you should turn up the volume a notch. But remember, balance is key. The last thing you want is your guests jumping out of their seats because your baby monitor is too loud.
  • Sick baby scenario: When your little munchkin isn’t feeling their best, their cries may be softer or more frequent than usual. In such cases, you may need to increase the receiver’s volume and VOX sensitivity and keep a closer ear out for them.


Who knew something as simple as a volume dial could make us break into a cold sweat? But, as we’ve discovered, getting the volume just right is a game of balance. Too loud, and we’re jumping at every tiny rustle. Too soft, and we might miss when our little ones truly need us.

And remember, it’s not just about the receiver’s volume but also about the VOX sensitivity and the volume of your voice via the two-way communication feature.

The one thing that’s stood out to me (apart from my wife’s incredible patience with my baby monitor anxiety) is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here.

So adjust that dial, test that VOX, and speak softly through that two-way communication. You’re in control. You’ve got this. And if you ever doubt it, look at your sleeping baby. They know you’ve got this, too.

P.S. If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

To get the best insights and tips to find the best baby monitor, I read more than 300 reviews online and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built this list of the best baby monitors.

Still unsure about the monitor? Here is my review of the best baby monitors you should consider for your nursery:

Watchful Dad

HI, I'm the Watchful Dad, and I have two precious monkeys at home that I love with all my heart. I will share with you the tips to keep your kids safe while letting them be the little explorers they should be.

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